Knights, one of the UK's fastest growing legal and professional services businesses, has published its Annual Report for the year ended 30 April 2021. Hardcopies of the Annual Report, together with notice of Knights' AGM have been posted to shareholders.
The Annual Report is also available to view on Knights' website.
Notice of Annual General Meeting
The Group's Annual General Meeting will be held at 11:00am on 21 September 2021 at Knights plc, The Brampton, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 0QW.
As the Government continues to ease COVID-19 restrictions, it is anticipated that Knights will be able to hold its AGM in the normal way this year. If so, this will mean that shareholders will be welcome to attend the AGM in person. However, given the constantly evolving nature of the situation, Knights will ensure that it is able to adapt these arrangements efficiently to respond to changes in circumstances. On this basis, should the situation change such that we consider it is no longer possible for shareholders to attend the meeting, Knights will hold the AGM as a closed meeting instead.
Should the arrangements change in this way, shareholders should exercise their right to vote at the meeting by appointing a proxy, with quorum being facilitated with the minimum number of shareholders.
In order to give shareholders a chance to engage in a meaningful dialogue with the Company’s management, shareholders are encouraged to email Knights’ Company Secretary at with any questions they have on the business of the AGM or the Report and Accounts in advance of the meeting stating their name and Shareholder Reference Number (as printed on your form of proxy). Questions raised by any shareholder will be answered as soon as is reasonably practicable after the conclusion of the AGM.
Further details can be found on Knights' website.