Adele is an Senior Associate in the Housing team.
She undertakes land and property acquisitions for registered social housing providers and manages the legal aspects of development projects in which they are involved. She provides specialist advice on section 106 planning conditions, helps to negotiate section 38 and section 104 agreements for the adoption of roads, water pipes and sewage conduits, handles deeds of grant for easements and determines contributions due under the community infrastructure levy. She specialises in development schemes where section 106 agreements are involved.
Recent examples of how Adele has supported clients include:
- dealing with the legal aspects of a large development site on behalf of a registered provider who planned to spend £8 million creating 67 new social housing units;
- convincing a developer to relent and agree to more onerous defect liability and repair obligations in the contracts for the sale of affordable housing units for a registered provider;
- negotiating a series of section 106 agreements for a registered provider who wished to exchange contracts for the building of 44 social housing units on five separate sites before their financial year end in order to optimise grant funding; and
- negotiating a section 106 agreement development scheme for a registered provider who wished to purchase 15 social housing units on a new development and facilitating the onward sale of six of these units under the shared ownership scheme.