The Board comprises five Directors, two of whom are Executive Directors and three of whom are Non-Executive Directors, reflecting a blend of different experiences and backgrounds.
The Board believes that the composition of the Board brings a desirable range of skills and experience in light of the Company’s challenges and opportunities as a public company, while at the same time ensuring that no individual (or a small group of individuals) can dominate the Board’s decision-making.
The Board meet regularly to review, formulate and approve the Group’s strategy, budgets, corporate actions and oversee the Knights Group’s progress towards its goals. The Company has established an audit committee (the ‘‘Audit Committee’’) and a remuneration committee (the ‘‘Remuneration Committee’’) with formally delegated duties and responsibilities and with written terms of reference. Each of these committees meet regularly and at least two times a year. The Board has elected not to constitute a dedicated nomination committee, instead retaining such decision-making with the Board as a whole. The Board has also constituted a disclosure committee (the ‘‘Disclosure Committee’’) to enforce the Knights Group's inside information policy and ensure compliance with the Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) and the AIM Rules for Companies in respect of inside information.
From time to time, separate committees may also be set up by the Board to consider specific issues when the need arises.