Unique in our sector, Knights is now recognised as a leading regional legal and professional services business in the UK.

With national presence and a well-developed operational platform, we have become one of the largest collaborative legal services teams in the UK, built upon the foundations of a mature commercial structure within a corporatised model and our strong culture. Knights is now increasingly recognised as the business of choice for clients and professionals seeking a premium service experience across the UK regions.

With national presence and a well-developed operational platform, we have become one of the largest collaborative legal services teams in the UK, built upon the foundations of a mature commercial structure within a corporatised model and our strong culture. Knights is now increasingly recognised as the business of choice for clients and professionals seeking a premium service experience across the UK regions.


A premium national brand with an integrated one team approach.

Our commitment to delivering a premium experience means the Knights brand has become synonymous with the provision of consistently high-quality services across the UK regions. Our continued success and growth are underpinned by our teams working closely together and being connected across the whole business.

Our Client Services Directors and Business Services Directors bring a unique combination of strong, invested and highly engaged local and regional leadership working together as one national team with a shared vision and purpose. This distinctive approach brings a unique proposition for both clients and professionals, which means we can attract the leading talent and businesses in the UK regions

Our business model continues to show resilience across the economic cycle, providing a strong platform for further geographical and organic growth, driven by our experienced leadership team.

Financial highlights

In a year of solid progress, the Group has continued to deliver good revenue growth, increased profits and continued excellent cash conversion.




Underlying PBT


Reported PBT


Post tax profit


Net debt


Underlying EPS


Reported EPS


Cash conversion




Investment case

A mature corporatised platform enabling an efficient commercial model

Professional advisors with a commercial mindset

A scalable model

A leading provider of diversified legal and professional services with national scale and a premium brand.

Increasingly unique in the sector, Knights brings an unrivalled breadth of consistently high-quality services to the under-served regional markets.

View our full investment case here

Our strategy

Underpinned by our vision of creating the leading regional legal and professional services business, our unique business model enables us to build value by executing our strategy across four pillars: